quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2024

Is it safe to visit Israel during war time?


The Special Ops 2024 team visiting Elon Moreh, where God spoke to Abraham in Genesis 12

Is it safe to visit Israel during war time?

After the horrific massacres of October 7th, constant fighting since then as Israel works to dismantle Hamas, and tension on the Lebanon border that only seems to be building by the day, many are beginning to wonder....

Is it safe to visit Israel during this time of crisis? 

The answer may not be as simple as you think. Even though we have been forced to cancel several of our volunteer programs since October 7th, for the most part, we have continued operating. 

For those who are unfamiliar, The Israel Guys are part of a non-profit ministry called HaYovel, whose mission is to bring Christians to Israel to serve the small Jewish farmers and communities in Judea and Samaria through hands-on volunteer programs.  These programs include things like: 

  • Pruning vineyards
  • Planting trees and vines
  • Harvesting grapes
  • And much more....

We currently have several upcoming programs, including: 

  • 10 day Heartland Experience trip that is for those who want to visit Judea and Samaria through a hands-on experience, but don't want to spend quite as much time volunteering.
  • the Harvest season, where we bring in the grape harvest for wineries all across Judea and Samaria
  • tree planting program, where our mission is to restore the ancient forests that once dotted the mountains of Israel. 

Even if coming to Israel on a hands-on volunteer program excites you, it still doesn't answer the question: is it safe to visit Israel right now? (scroll down to keep reading)

Statistically, visiting Israel is still much safer than getting in your car in the United States, or getting on an airplane (which may be the most dangerous part about your trip to Israel. 

Spiritually, there is no safer place to be than in the center of God's will. Pray about it, ask God for guidance, and if you feel that He wants you to come to Israel this year, then don't hesitate any longer!

Practically speaking, there is no denying that there are tensions in Israel right now. However, the majority of the conflict is happening on the northern and southern border of Israel, and our trips are focused on the center of the country, Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, which happen to be quite a ways from the north and south. 

We also take every precaution for the safety and security of everyone on our programs, and are in constant communication with local security teams and the IDF to make sure that everyone is safe and secure. 

Convinced yet? We recommend you go pray about coming to Israel, but once you get your answer, don't wait! If you're ready to come to Israel this year, check out our upcoming Israel trips below. 

See what others had to say about their experiences with HaYovel...

This was the experience of a lifetime. Knowing you are fulfilling prophecy by working the vineyards in Samaria has been the most fulfilling event in my spiritual life since my salvation experience in 1970. (Paul, Oklahoma)

I love the God of the Bible… Serving in His Land and among His People has allowed me to get to know Him in a deeper, more real way. Now I read the stories in the Bible with different eyes. Before, I read the play; now I have been on the stage and it has all become so much more ALIVE and REAL!!!! (Renee, Colorado) 

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