quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2018


Hi dear plant-muncher,
Lots of important and great information for you today! So, let’s get right into it because we’ll answer many questions at once in this email.

Like what should you eat on a healthy plant-based diet? Is there a good meal plan you can just follow? And why the heck should you even stick to a healthy eating pattern?
Our go-to for all questions related to health and nutrition. We love the fact density and high quality research there as well as Dr. Michael Greger’s quirkiness when providing us with his information in video format.

Independent from questionable funding, Greger and his team evaluate the latest nutrition studies and presents their outcome in an understandable manner.
Not sure if you’re eating enough or the right foods on a plant-based diet? This free online tool allows you to track your food intake for free so you can see if you meet all of your nutritional requirements.

It also shows you which of the foods you consume contain specific nutrients should you fall short on them. You’ll find the overall calories you ate for the day as well as macronutrient ratio and all the micronutrients you want to track.

But please don’t use it to cut your caloric intake and consume only 1600 calories or less per day!
Looking to veganize a specific recipe? This platform collects thousand upon thousands fully vegan meal ideas from around the web. When searching for any particular recipe, you’re likely to get at least 20 different versions for it.

Much more clearly arranged than just some Google search results! Finding Vegan will prove to you how absolutely anything can be made from plants.
It can be difficult to find plant-based food when you’re out and about - especially when you’re not in your hometown, but traveling through the country or even a different part of the world!

HappyCow is a website (also available as a free app!) that collects all the places around the globe where you can find either fully vegan, or vegan-friendly places to eat. We used it in Europe, Australia, and Asia so far and highly recommend it.
Similarly to HappyCow, these printable cards will help you tremendously when traveling around. They explain in a very clear manner that you’re vegan and which foods or ingredients you want to avoid - in over 100 languages.

From Afrikaans to Zulu, there’s probably no place in the world you cannot make yourself understood in people’s native language. We also had great success during our recent travels using them.
Oftentimes, people are attracted to a plant-based diet for health reasons. Unfortunately, we at nutriciously aren’t trained health professionals and don’t feel confident to advise you in this regard (it’s good to know what you don’t know).

But luckily, there are many plant-based doctors who you can consult either in person or even online! This database allows you to look for the right match, someone who’s qualified in any specific areas or has a practice close to where you live.
Finetune Your Facebook Feed
On another note, we recently reached a great milestone and got over 10,000 followers on Facebook! Unfortunately, soon after that, we saw that our posts only reached a small percentage of readers.

If you like to be the first to see our new blog posts and creations, get regular inspiration, and be able to be a part of our Facebook-exclusive Giveaways, simply click on the "Following" tab on our Facebook page and choose "See First" (as you can see in the image above). Let’s stay in touch!
Anything that was helpful to you?
We sure hope so. How awesome that these tools are available to us health conscious people and ethical vegans to help us out in everyday life! Feel free to share them with others who might need them. 
Hope this finds you well,
Sending love and veggies your way!

Warm wishes,
Alena and Lars

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