sábado, 31 de agosto de 2024

Israel Begins MASSIVE ATTACK on Terror Targets in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria)


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Israel Begins MASSIVE ATTACK on Terror Targets in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria)

Israeli security forces have arrived in full force to dismantle Iranian terror infrastructure in Judea and Samaria! This is the largest anti-terror operation that has been conducted in Israel's Biblical Heartland in 20 years.

Today, Joshua explores the details of this operation, the international response, and what this means for Israel's security and global relations.

Is Israel Causing a Humanitarian Crisis in the Gaza Strip?

Variant type 2 of Poliovirus was recently discovered in an infant in the Gaza Strip and the international community is claiming that it is due to the devastation Israel has caused in Gaza. As the world continues to accuse Israel of committing war crimes in Gaza, this discovery only adds ammunition to their propaganda arsenal. Did Israel cause a resurgence of Polio in Gaza and has Israel actually committed war crimes in their efforts to destroy Hamas?

The Use of This Polio Case to Vilify Israel

UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell described the recent discovery of polio in Gaza with the following statement:

“The re-emergence of polio in Gaza after a quarter century is another sobering reminder of how chaotic, desperate & dangerous the situation has become.”

Without directly blaming Israel, it is easy to see she alludes to this idea and expresses a desperate cry for a halt in Israel’s operations in Gaza. But are Israeli operations really to blame?

Polio is an illness that strikes fear into the hearts of all people, but especially for parents of young children. Polio isn't typically dangerous for adults, but for children aged 5 years old and younger, it can cause paralysis or death.

Though the vast majority of cases have minor symptoms or are asymptomatic, extremely severe cases can have dire consequences. The concern over the potential spread of polio in Gaza is understandable, but placing blame on Israel is far from reasonable.

Typically spread in areas with poor hygiene and sanitation systems, which commonly occurs in regions affected by war, responsibility for this illness cannot be placed on Israel for multiple reasons. The initial reason is that Israel did not start this war; Israel would not have been forced to enter Gaza had Hamas not. . . continue reading (5 min read)

The Israel Guys

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