quarta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2024

This Brave Israeli Woman Ran Into the Line of Fire on October 7th (Special Episode)


Want to know why you should stand with Israel? >>Order Christians Meet Israel, a 30 day devotional, to find out. 

This Brave Israeli Woman Ran Into the Line of Fire on October 7th (Special Episode)

October 7th, the first anniversary since the horrific massacre in 2023, is only a few weeks away. Here at HaYovel & The Israel Guys, we are working on a number of projects to make sure that the world NEVER FORGETS, supports Israel to reach TOTAL VICTORY and stands AGAINST the forces of evil and those who choose to stand with them. 

One important part of standing with Israel this October 7th is hearing the stories of those who were on the front lines on that horrific day.  

United Hatzalah paramedic Linor Attias left her small daughters on the morning of October 7th, 2023 to go to the Gaza border to save lives. Ignoring the danger, her and her fellow first responders laid down their own lives to rescue hundreds of civilians and soldiers. 

At one point, Linor even found herself in the middle of an active war zone when she responded to an event to extract wounded civilians inside Kibbutz Beeri, one of the four communities which were attacked by Hamas. 

Today’s video is a very special story
 of heroism and bravery. It is also a story of peace, because as you will see, it doesn’t matter who someone is, what their religion or ethnicity is, or their background. To Linor, a life is a life, no matter who they are.

The Israel Guys

P.O. Box 19
Greenville, MO 63944
United States of America

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