quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2019

2019 Round Up

2019 Round Up
What a year 2019 has been, from the Amazon burning, the continued development of the Belt and Road Initiative and the relentless threat to the world rarest ape, the Tapanuli orangutang, ALERT has had a lot to report on. 

In 2019 we published 17 blogs and produced 10 short videos, which reached around 15 million people globally. We have highlighted a wide range of important environmental issues, and have collated some of the hottest below in case you missed them.

You may have noticed that we've made our website easier to use and navigate. Check it out if you haven't already.

Thanks to you and all of our supporters for following our environmental news. We will continue to report on these key issues in 2020 and to push environmental-reporting boundaries.
Hot Blogs & Videos
The year started off on a political note, with politicians like Trump and Bolsonaro still  in power it needed to, with our blog - Should Donald Trump embrace fake news? 
We highlighted some horrifying facts around the global illegal trade of wildlife and wildlife parts, with our blog - Calling all hackers - Our endangered wildlife needs you.
What is ALERT Conservation?
  • ALERT is a unique kind of scientific organization—one that helps world-class researchers have a concerted, highly credible voice on key environmental issues
  • ALERT also helps journalists to connect with top scientists who can comment on environmental stories
  • ALERT is all about the environment
  • ALERT has no fees or donors
  • ALERT is designed to complement, rather than compete with, other scientific and environmental groups
  • With its simple structure, ALERT helps scientists react quickly to urgent environmental concerns

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